Customizing Facility Rental

Customize your Facility Rental Portal to match your brand, link to your website, and more!

Logo and Colours

A logo can be added to the top header. Logos should be in PNG format.

The theme colour of the Portal can match your brand. We will do our best to match the theme colour, in accordance with accessibility guidelines.

To customize the logo and colours, please provide these to Sunergo Support and our team will update it for you.

Home Page Description

A description of your organization can be added to the top of the home page. Bold and italics text, as well as links, can be included here.

In addition to a Contact Us link, custom links can be added to the menu.

To customize these links, please provide Sunergo Support with the URL and label for each link.

Email Notifications

Our system can notify your team when a new rental is made and when a payment is completed in Facility Rental Portal.

Please provide the email address(es) to Sunergo Support be added to the email notifications.

Terms and Conditions, Cancellation, and Privacy Policy

These policies are required for the setup of Facility Rental.

Please provide these to Sunergo Support.

Last Updated: Dec 12, 2022