Submitting your podcast to Spotify

Spotify will need to verify the RSS Feed during the setup process. This requires a code that will be sent to our Support Team. Please complete these steps during support hours and contact us before starting the verification process.

To get your podcast on Spotify:

  1. Log in to Spotify for Podcasters with your Spotify account, or choose Sign Up to create one.
  2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  3. Paste in the link to your podcast’s RSS Feed. This is found at the top of the RSS Feed form in Media > RSS Feeds, then Feed Details tab.
  4. Spotify will send a verification email to the Sunergo Support Team. We’ll forward you the 8-digit code from that email so that you can paste it in your form.
  5. Add podcast info like the category, language, and country.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2023