Setting up Church Tools
Setting up church tools to fit your ministry’s needs is easy. You’ll find most of the setup options in the Admin Menu.
This menu is only visible to users that have been assigned to a User Group with the appropriate permissions.
Foreign Currencies Tool
This tool allows you to set the currencies you can use in Gift Entry.
If your church accepts online donations, these currencies won’t show up there. Only Canadian dollars are accepted in online donations.
Church Life Events
This tool lists the possible events that can be recorded for each contact.
This is also where you can also set up expiring church life events. When editing an event, you can set the time the event is valid, who to email when the event is about to expire, and how many before the expiry you would like the email to be sent.
Contact Status
You can set different attributes for contacts here.
- Marital and membership statuses are set in Contact and can be used to filter your contact lists.
- Directory statuses are set in Contact and show up in the church directory.
User Permissions
Permissions for access to Church Tools can be set within User Groups.
Adding a new admin user
Set up the new users from User Accounts, then assign them to a User Group to provide them access to Church Tools.
Letting ministry leaders edit their ministry’s settings in Connect
Edit the user group in Ministry Leader Groups, then assign the group to a ministry leader in Contacts.
Creating multiple user accounts for Connect
Use the Create Congregant Logon tool to create multiple congregant logons. Logons can be created based on donation history, contact categories, or ministry groups.
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