Bulk Email

Send emails to your campers, patrons and/or contacts.

  1. Select Bulk Email Admin in Other Setup.
  2. To create an email, start with a blank email by selecting Add new email or use a previously sent email as a template by selecting copy next to that email.
  3. Once the email content is setup, select send preview to preview the email. Previews are sent to the Preview Address entered when creating the email.
  4. Select send email to select recipients for the email.
  5. Selecting Send Email will queue the email to be sent. It will be sent within a few hours.

Image Catalogue

Images to be placed within the email contents must first be uploaded to the Image Catalogue.

  1. Select Image Catalogue in Other Setup.
  2. Select Add new image.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the image. This name will be used to identify the image when inserting it in the email.
  4. Upload the image and Save.

Once an image has been added to the Image Catalogue, add the image to an email by selecting Insert/edit image in the editor toolbar.

Last Updated: Feb 9, 2023