
Collect one-time donations from campers, patrons, and anyone else who would like to support your camp.

To access the donation form, go to your camp’s registration page and select Donate. Donations made through this form are charged in real-time.

Patrons also have the option to make a donation during their registration.

Designation Funds

Designation funds listed on the donation screen are pulled from Inventory Item Admin.

All Donation items with “Show on Donation Form” set to Yes are listed on the donation form.


Use the Donations Report in Reports > Financial Reports to generate a detailed list of donations within a specific date range or a summary of donations grouped by fund.

At the end of the year, export receipt information for a mail merge by using the Receipting Report.

Camp Admin does not include the ability to refund donations. To make a refund, make the refund using your online merchant’s admin, then record the cancellation via Donations/External Fee Payment Admin in the Main menu.

Last Updated: Feb 9, 2023